Do you fancy some stage air, a break from the stress of university and nice people? Then come along and get to know the world of the stage with theatre teacher Maria Mock.
How does it feel to be someone completely different? And how does acting work in general?
Together we slip into new roles, improvise and invent small scenes. All this without long text swotting.
Try it out from the 29. September – 01. October 2022
THU/FR/SAT each from 10am to 3pm30
Workshop for students in the Vatikänchen of KiCK - Berrenrather Strasse 127 - 50937 Köln
The workshop is free of charge for you and has a maximum of 12 participants.
If you have any questions about the content, please contact Maria Mock.
Registration to Nicole Ringhut.
The Theatre AG is supported by StaVV
(Studierendenvertretung der Humanwissenschaftlichen Fakultät)
Nicole Ringhut
Education and Public Relations
Tel. +49 221 476 92 – 11
Email: -
Maria Mock
Theatre teacher