To use the words of the Kölsch band Kasalla: "Mer sin immer noch do." Yes, fortunately they are still here, the singers of the former student choir of the Katholische Hochschulgemeinde (KHG), who until 2017 performed under the name "Troubadix' Erben". They had to give up the Troubadix for trademark reasons. "Die Erben" have remained - now no longer as a university choir, but as an independent association. Whether with Mark Forster's "Sowieso", Rammstein's "Engel" or Bon Jovis' "Livin' On A Prayer": the heirs are present, lively, rhythmic in time and "on fire" at every moment, as a jury member put it at a competition at the time.
Der Chor probt in der Regel mittwochs von 20-22h in der Aula von KiCK. Zu Semesterabschluss gibt es zwei Konzerte mit rund 400 Gästen.
New members wishing to sing with the Heirs can only be accepted at the beginning of a semester. Admission capacities are limited. Nevertheless, "The Heirs are desperately looking for tenors." More information on the internet at